Operation by Serious Crimes Unit in Ferizaj: Two Albanians Arrested for Espionage with BIA

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Bedri Shabani and Muharrem Qerimi were arrested today in Ferizaj, suspected of espionage with the Serbian Intelligence Agency (BIA).

Their arrests were carried out by the Directorate for Serious Crimes of the Kosovo Police. Sources within the police revealed that Shabani and Qerimi are suspected of collaborating with Serbian intelligence structures in Kosovo.

The operation by the Kosovo Police’s Serious Crimes Unit is still ongoing, with searches being conducted on the properties of the two suspects. They are believed to have collaborated with Serbian intelligence for many years.

One of the arrested individuals, Bedri Shabani, was a customs officer from 1990 to 1999. After the war, he continued serving as a customs officer during the UNMIK administration in Kosovo.

Thanks to the instrumental work of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (AKI), these arrests were made possible.

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