Kurti: LDK and AAK do not want my removal as much, they only wish for one thing

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Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) want to criticize and attack him more than they want to remove him from the leadership of the state.

Last night from Brussels, Kurti stated that he is ready “both for democratic governance and for new elections.”

“I tried to enable new democratic elections now that I am in the last year of my mandate and when the next elections are no longer a matter of years but a matter of months. We said to discuss together the dissolution of the Assembly in a suitable month and season, but it seems that most of the opposition in Kosovo wants only one thing more than my removal, and that is criticism and attack against me, which means that I should continue to remain Prime Minister until, at the latest, four years have passed, and then they will no longer be able to delay it,” he said to journalists when asked about this issue.

Kurti seems no longer interested in discussing with the opposition parties “which is the most suitable season for the next elections,” as he had said after a dinner with the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Memli Krasniqi, on May 13.

In a recent meeting of the Vetëvendosje Movement, he told the party members that the elections will be held next year because “the opposition cannot delay them indefinitely.”

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