EU billions for the countries of the Western Balkans, this is when the first distribution of money is expected

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The deadline in which the states of the Western Balkans must submit to the European Commission the Reform Agendas on the basis of which they will receive support from the EU Growth Plan fund is August 24, and the first money is expected to be distributed at the end of this year.

This deadline applies and must be applied by any country wishing to receive funding from this EU Growth plan.

The European Union regulation foresees a total of 2 billion euros in grants and 4 billion euros in loans from 2024 to 2027. These funds will be distributed in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia in proportion to the population. and the size of their economy.

According to the Regulation, after the submission of the Reform Agenda, a beneficiary may request the release of a pre-financing of up to 7% of the total amount provided by the Facility. After that, the funds will be released twice a year, if payment terms are met. Experts, however, are not sure how strictly the fulfillment of these conditions will be assessed.

The European Commission has confirmed to EWB that both requests for the release of pre-financing and requests for the release of the first installments are expected after the adoption of the Reform Agendas.

The number two of the government, Besnik Bislimi, announced on May 30 that Kosovo has sent to the European Commission the draft narrative of the reform agenda on the Growth Plan.

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