It was the middle of April 1999, when she faced the most serious event in her life.
Vasfije Krasniqi, then 16 years old, was staying with her family in Stanoc when the police and paramilitary entered their house and violently took her to send her to Milosheva.
In an abandoned house of this village inhabited mainly by Serbs, 17 paramilitaries entered the 16-year-old girl and raped her until she was raped. Afterwards, the Serbian madness over the minor and defenseless girl continued in the village of Babimoc.
In a difficult physical and mental condition, those who raped her brought Vasfije to the crossroads near the house and threw her out of the car with the order “tomorrow we will come back and get her”.
Fearing that the situation could be repeated and shocked by what she had experienced, Vasfije Krasniqi went straight to the KLA headquarters and reported the case. has secured the testimony of Vasfije Krasniqi, given to the Commander, Osman Musli.
Musli’s report, based on the testimony given by Vasfija at the KLA headquarters on April 16, 1999, has 7 lines:
14.04.1999, Vasfije Shaip Krasniqi from Stanoci i Ulët
The Serbian police entered the house of Shaip Krasniqi, where they forcibly took his 16-year-old daughter Vasfije around 19:45, driving her towards Milosheva and then to Babimost. The police have raped him. 17 policemen and Chetniks until Alivanosje, then suffered psychological trauma. They brought the girl to the crossroads near the house at the Stanoc cemetery, they told her we will come back tomorrow and pick her up.