Kurti: The integration of ethnic Serb citizens in Kosovo is irritating Belgrade, it is disinforming with the help of Russia

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The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, through a video message, congratulated the leader of the Labor Party, Keir Starmer, for the successful elections and the victory of his party, remembering that this victory serves as a light against the dark background of the extreme right in Europe.

Prime Minister Kurti welcomed the panels that addressed the rise of the right, and spoke about the danger posed to security and peace by the expansionist ideology of Russia and Serbia in Europe and the Western Balkans.

“Just like in the years before World War II, Serbia, with the help of its close ally Russia, is trying to mobilize support for its expansionist ambitions through disinformation and propaganda, lying to its people about Serbia’s supposed enemies and of ethnic Serbs in the neighboring countries”, stressed Prime Minister Kurti.

“One such lie is Serbia’s repeated claim that Kosovo is carrying out ethnic cleansing or pogroms against the ethnic Serbian population. This claim has been widely refuted by independent organizations such as the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia and the European Stability Initiative in Berlin. In fact, the opposite is true: Our social democratic government in Kosovo has not only succeeded in fighting corruption and creating jobs – we have also ensured that all our citizens, including the ethnic Serb community, enjoy the fruits of our development. This progress is exactly what angers Belgrade so much: The more ethnic Serb citizens who integrate into the Republic of Kosovo, the more difficult it is for Serbia to achieve its vision of territorial expansion,” said Prime Minister Kurti.

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