Exclusive: A person is arrested in the north, he posted stickers with the photo of the terrorist killed in Banjska

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In the early hours of today, a person was caught in the act of placing stickers in different locations on the streets of Northern Mitrovica. The photo of a terrorist killed in Banjska was on most of the stickers, reports Gazeta Sinjali.

The whistleblower from the North informed Sinjal that the suspect who was arrested is a minor, who is suspected of inciting riots and impatience.

As Sinjali learned, the photo of Stefan Nedeljković, the terrorist killed during the September 24 attack in Banjska, was placed on the stickers that the minor was distributing.

More than 80 stickers with Nedeljković’s photo were found on the suspect who was caught by the police – which were seized as material evidence.

The same was then accompanied to the police station for interview, where other procedures were also carried out.

For him, the State Prosecutor has ordered the measure of police detention and the initiation of the investigation.

Credits to :GazetaSinjali /


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