It was believed that the main battle in the extraordinary parliamentary elections in France would be between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, but the head of the left coalition “New Popular Front” Jean-Luc Mélenchon confused everyone’s calculations and – he is “ready to ruled”.
“The boxes decided between two diametrically opposed projects. The new Popular Front is ready to rule. The president must bow down and accept this defeat. The Prime Minister must go because he has never won the confidence of the Assembly. The President has the duty to invite the New People’s Front to the government. We are ready,” Mélenchon said shortly after the polls closed in France.
He quickly explained on his Facebook account that the left saved France.
“The united left saved the Republic. It can initiate an environmental and social work that is so necessary for our people, our time, our world, our Europe,” said Melanchon.
In the French public he is considered a British politician who is not afraid to speak his mind.
But what had he declared earlier about Kosovo?
“The case of Kosovo is one of the examples in which the US, with its aggressive actions, destabilizes the international order,” he said in 2018.
He explained that the war in Kosovo is a “school example of shameless media compliance” with the speech of the American army and that the saturation of the public with manipulations and “brainwashing” have yielded results, reports Kosovo-Online, Singali reports.
“When they bombed Serbia, the US declared itself the defender of minorities and justice, only to justify military intervention, as it would later do in the case of Iraq. And as they do everywhere. As they usually do to take control of a certain area. This is about erasing Serbia from the map of political influence. Of course, it is mainly about war propaganda. To understand this, it is enough to look at the consequences of their bombings”, said Melanchon.
At the time, he spoke about allegations made in his report by former special rapporteur Dick Marty, accusing KLA members of organ trafficking from prisoners.
“The trafficking of organs taken from the heroic liberators of Kosovo went unnoticed. The placement of a giant US base in the derivative state has not been commented on. The responsibility of the Albanian mafias protected by the government in this trafficking and some others is not up for discussion.
He pointed out that Kosovo is an almost perfect example of the success of the manipulative capacities of contemporary media “soft power”.
“Of course, the sovereignty of Kosovo is essentially imaginary”, affirms this French politician.
If his coalition forms France’s new government, it remains to be seen whether he will change anything in his stance, which he expressed on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the NATO bombings.
“As far as France is concerned, since it is in NATO, it cannot promote respect for international law and the UN as a framework for dialogue between states,” said Melanchon.
He did not hesitate to criticize the French authorities when Serbia did not take the place during the central event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.
“We are offended and saddened by the lack of respect for the Serbian people,” said Melanchon.
He said that Serbia lost a quarter of its population and that this was “the highest percentage of casualties of all the participants in that war”.
He did not lead Mlefi to Kosovo even in 2017, when he was one of the four candidates for president.
“Kosovo has been seized unjustly and Serbia must continue to defend its sovereignty with dignity, as it has done so far,” he said.
From today’s perspective, many in the EU will also criticize him for his views on respecting borders.
“Peace is not prepared by preparing for war, peace is created by working on it. The same applies to Donbas, Macedonia, Kosovo, Scotland or the union of Ireland. Each country can thus make a list of guarantees that requires that peace be respected in its borders”, said Melancho.
Unlike other countries in Europe that are more used to coalition governments, France has no tradition of lawmakers from rival political camps coming together to form a majority. France is also more centralized than many other European countries, with many more decisions being made from Paris.
President Macron hoped that with the fate of France in their hands, voters could turn away from the extreme right and left and return to the main parties closer to the center, where Macron enjoys the most support that won him the presidency in 2017 and again in 2022. He hoped this would strengthen his presidency for the remaining three years in office.
But instead of coming out in support of him, millions of voters used his surprise decision as an opportunity to express their anger with inflation, crime, immigration and other concerns, including his style of government.
The sharp polarization of French politics, especially in the hot and fast campaign, is sure to complicate any coalition-building efforts. Racism and anti-Semitism marred the election campaign, along with Russian disinformation campaigns, while more than 50 candidates reported being physically assaulted – highly unusual for France.