O’Brien: Kosovo has the right to defend its territory – This constitutes a primary risk in the region.

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Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, James O’Brien, emphasized that in the Western Balkans, “local skirmishes” turning into political conflicts pose a risk that affects the entire region.

Asked by Tanjug about his assessment of security in the Western Balkans, O’Brien stressed that “the primary risk is northern Kosovo and the threat of secession of a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

“KFOR and EUFOR are there to prevent local small-scale gangs. We have good cooperation with Serbia and the authorities of Kosovo in efforts to address the risks of violence in the north, and I think we have a chance for political processes that will address the causes of violence,” said O’Brien.

The Serbian media asked the American diplomat why Kosovo is allowed to buy drones when according to UN Security Council Resolution 1244, KFOR is the only armed force allowed to operate in Kosovo. O’Brien said Resolution 1244 established a process to discuss Kosovo’s future.

“That process led to Kosovo’s independence. Kosovo has the right to defend its territory without endangering its neighbors. Overall, it is a step forward towards stability in the region and for this, it will have the support of the United States,” said O’Brien.

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