Tsikhanouskaya: If Ukraine loses the war, Europe or the US will be the next to be attacked

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The exiled leader of the Democratic Movement of Belarus, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, has called on the leaders of the West to be “united” and “determined” to face “Russia’s imperialist aims”.

Speaking to Radio Free Europe on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington, Tsikhanouskaya argued that the people of Ukraine are not only fighting for their country, but also for “the values ​​of democratic countries”.

“Believe me, if we allow Ukraine to lose its war, the democratic world – powerful Europe or the US – will be the next to be attacked by the dictatorship,” she said.

“The destinies of Belarus and Ukraine are intertwined. We fully encourage NATO countries to support the Ukrainians and give Ukraine everything it needs to win this war. But don’t leave Belarus aside”, she emphasized.

Tsikhanouskaya added that “dictators” like Lukashenka and Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, see the West’s indolence and indecision as “weakness”.

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