Vučić in Kosovo Like Putin in Ukraine: Ukrainian Journalist Shows us What Might Happen if Ukraine Loses this War!

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Serbia and Russia are known for their closeness and mutual support, and now there are warnings that Serbia might act in Kosovo as Russia did in Ukraine.

Former NATO General Wesley Clark said in an interview with CNN that if there is a problem in Ukraine, it could lead to problems in the Balkans.

He stated that Serbia is Russia’s hand in the Western Balkans.

In an interview with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Clark said, “Serbia and Russia imitate each other.”

Clark added that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, despite playing both sides—West and Russia—ultimately wants to do what Russian President Vladimir Putin is doing in Ukraine.

“The hand of Russia is felt in the Balkans, Serbia is Russia’s hand in the Balkans and serves Russia’s interests. Vučić is smart, he wants to appear as if he’s playing both sides, but when the time comes, he will do what Putin wants him to do,” Clark said.

“We have seen much violence and killings in the past 30 years and thought that NATO stopped it, but if there are problems in Ukraine, those problems will come to the Balkans, and leaders like Prime Minister Kurti will have to face them,” Clark added.

On the risk of a war in Kosovo and actions similar to Putin’s in Ukraine, Ukrainian journalist Marina Loseva told “Bota Sot” that the probability of such an attack is almost zero.

According to her, Serbia does not have strong partners willing to defend it in a military confrontation.

“The probability of such an attack is almost zero, in my opinion. To start aggression against a neighboring country, there must be substantial resources and confidence that the people of that country are politically and mentally divided, that the people and the government are opposed and dissatisfied with the current economic situation, and that the neighboring country does not have strong partners willing to defend it in a military confrontation. None of the above can be said about Kosovo.

In its 25 years of independence, Kosovo has shown its neighboring countries its economic and political capacity, strengthened partnership relations with countries around the world, and is confidently moving towards the European Union. Peace in Kosovo is under the protection of NATO forces, which is a very strong security guarantor,” Loseva stated.

Marina Loseva

According to the Ukrainian journalist, European countries and the USA should provide financial aid to Ukraine in the fight against the aggressor because this could “untie the hands” of other former empires.

“Not only Serbia but other former empires could be emboldened by Russia’s success in the war in Ukraine. This is why European countries and the USA provide financial aid to Ukraine in the fight against the aggressor. The problem here is that every aggressor country believes it is doing the right thing. Russia was the first to cross Ukraine’s borders and step by step destroys and kills people, destroys and burns everything, simply because it wants to annex the territory to itself, but without Ukrainians. A big country attacked a smaller neighboring country and has been mercilessly destroying it for 10 years. Ukrainians did not want to fight, but they must defend their land, their home. Ukraine does not have unlimited resources, and not unlimited people, but Russia also has resources, although large, but not unlimited,” Loseva asserts.

The world must not allow Ukraine to lose because, according to Loseva, the independence and integrity of many other countries could fall.

Furthermore, she believes in Ukraine’s victory.

“If Russia crushes Ukraine with a prolonged war, it will open ‘Pandora’s box,’ and every other larger country will be able to invade smaller countries without punishment, rob them, kill innocent children, and enrich itself at the expense of new territories. Doesn’t it sound like Armageddon? The world cannot allow Ukraine to lose because after that, like a ‘house of cards,’ the independence and integrity of many other countries, which are simply smaller in size, do not have nuclear weapons, or are geographically close, will fall into the wars and ambitions of imperial countries. Currently, Ukraine acts as a shield for European countries and sacrifices more than finances and technical means—it’s the lives of people, of children, that have no price except the price of freedom and independence of their own country, their home. I believe in Ukraine’s Victory because every country has the right to independence and integrity, and its citizens for a happy and peaceful life,” Loseva concludes.

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