Haradinaj on Non-Certification of the Serbian List: SL Disrespected the Constitution and Laws of Kosovo

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The leader of the AAK (Alliance for the Future of Kosovo), Ramush Haradinaj, in an interview with Ekonomia Online, stated that the reason for the non-certification of the Serbian List for the elections scheduled for February 9, 2024, is their failure to respect the Constitution and laws of Kosovo.

Haradinaj pointed out that the Serbian List has frequently made harmful statements, such as glorifying Putin and taking anti-Kosovo positions, while also mentioning their involvement in terrorist attacks.

“The Serbian List has not been careful in respecting Kosovo’s laws; they have often made very bad statements. For example, they publicly declared ‘let Serbia fall,’ and they glorify Putin. They have not distanced themselves from terrorist attacks. They need to be careful because in Kosovo, no one can participate in the electoral process while being against Kosovo and against the Constitution. They are welcome to participate in the electoral process, but only by respecting the Constitution and laws of Kosovo,” Haradinaj declared.

He added that the Serbian List must distance itself from its anti-Kosovo positions.

“Those of us who voted for their participation did so with concerns based on the behavior of the Serbian List. They must understand that the Serbian List, like anyone else, cannot participate in Kosovo’s elections while glorifying the enemies of Kosovo,” he said.

“In another country, one cannot participate in elections while praising the enemies of that country. The Serbian List has glorified actions harmful to Kosovo, and they must realize and understand that the state of Kosovo must be respected. I have dismissed ministers and deputy ministers during my time in government for a single wrong statement. For example, one minister was dismissed simply for claiming that the Reçak massacre was a fabrication. I also dismissed two other deputy ministers for similar reasons,” emphasized the leader of the AAK.

He stressed that if any political entity wants to participate in Kosovo’s elections, it must respect the Constitution and laws of the country and must distance itself from positions that glorify Kosovo’s enemies.

“Therefore, the Serbian List cannot violate the Constitution and laws of Kosovo. If they are for political participation and the rights of citizens, we are always supportive. However, we cannot turn a blind eye when the Constitution is violated, and our laws are broken with such acts,” he concluded.

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