Explosion of Fireworks in Prizren: New Details Emerge About the Incident in Which Two People Were Injured

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Two individuals were injured as a result of a fire that erupted from the ignition of fireworks at a sales point on the sidewalk on “Ahmet Prishtina” street, on the evening of December 31st in Prizren. One person was seriously injured, while the other sustained minor bodily injuries.

The individual who was more seriously injured has been transferred to the University Clinical Center of Kosovo (QKUK) in Pristina.

The police reported that, as a result of the fire, nearby businesses and residential buildings were also damaged.

“It is reported that an explosion occurred due to the ignition of fireworks at a sales point on the sidewalk, and as a result, the fire spread to surrounding buildings and establishments. Two Kosovo nationals sustained bodily injuries and were taken to the emergency room in Prizren, with one of the injured being transferred to QKUK in Prishtina due to the severity of their condition.

Material damages occurred to properties such as homes, businesses, and vehicles. The fire department responded to the scene and successfully extinguished the fire,” said the police in their statement.

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