Peaceful Orthodox Christmas in Kosovo vs. Calls for War and Russian Z Symbol

R.KS News
R.KS News 3 Min Read
3 Min Read

The removal of Serbian criminals and terrorists from northern Kosovo was noticeable even during the holy Orthodox Christmas celebrations on January 7.

This celebration passed without any incidents, in peace and harmony, both in the north of the country and in other parts of Kosovo where the Serbian minority lives.

Even local Serbs welcomed the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla, who leads the Kosovo Police, and Elbert Krasniqi, the Minister of Local Government Administration, for the festive lunch.

However, it seems that the peaceful and harmonious celebrations were disrupted by the remaining terrorist elements in Kosovo.

These elements tried to send messages of war instead of peace during the holiday, glorifying Russia’s horrific crimes in Ukraine.

As seen in the video provided by RKS News, in the village of Zhitkovc in Zvecan, a group of criminals in front of the Russian Z symbol called for the “return of the Serbian army to Kosovo.”

This call seeks to bring back the crimes Serbia committed over two and a half decades ago, where tens of thousands of civilians were killed, 20,000 women were raped, and there was massive exile.

Another video secured by RKS News shows an attempt to give the celebration a different tone in the village of Vučje in Leposavić, where the same call was made.

Discord was also attempted in the village of Babimost, where some young Serbs showed support for Russia through photographs.

In response to this photo, jurist and civil society member Kaltrina Kamberi reminded that horrific crimes by the Serbian regime occurred in that village, for which Vasfije Krasniqi, a victim of sexual violence during the Kosovo war, testified in the U.S. Congress.

At that time, the current President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, was the Minister of Propaganda for the so-called “Butcher of the Balkans,” Slobodan Milošević, and he is now sheltering and protecting the main terrorist, Milan Radojčić.

Radojčić, along with a group of terrorists, in September 2023, attempted to incite inter-ethnic conflict by attacking northern Kosovo with heavy Serbian army weapons, resulting in the death of Kosovo Police officer Afrim Bunjaku.

Nevertheless, to ensure that the Serbian minority, which constitutes 2.31% of Kosovo’s population, could celebrate in peace and harmony, the Kosovo Police took care to guarantee that the celebration passed without any incidents.

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