Russian FSB Delegation Under the Guise of the Russian Orthodox Church Visits Montenegro

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Montenegrin media outlet “Aktuelno” reports that a high-ranking delegation of operatives from the Russian FSB (formerly the KGB), disguised in black coats from the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), visited the central base of the Montenegrin branch of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC). According to the portal, the visit took place in Podgorica 10 days ago.

“The delegation included high-ranking officials,” writes “Aktuelno.”

According to the portal, they were welcomed by the head of the Montenegrin branch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Joanikije Micović of Montenegro, along with some local operatives.

As stated by this portal, two senior operatives from the Russian Orthodox Church visited Podgorica before heading to the town of Trebinje in the Republika Srpska, where they participated in a festive event marking the fourth anniversary of the death of one of the most prominent operatives.

Sources from the “Aktuelno” portal, who are well acquainted with the work of operatives in clerical uniforms, report that it is highly symbolic that these two high-ranking officials from the Russian Orthodox Church visited Podgorica while bypassing Belgrade.

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