Sandulović: The US will issue an arrest warrant for Aleksandar Vučić

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Nikola Sandulović, chairman of the Serbian Republican Party, wrote on Wednesday on the “X” platform, saying that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić will be accused of crimes against humanity by the United States of America.

He has called this exclusive news, where together with Vučić he says that other high-ranking figures in Serbia will also be accused.

“Aleksandar Vučić will be accused of crimes against humanity. The United States is forced to issue an arrest warrant against Aleksandar Vučić, citing his involvement in crimes against humanity. The victims include prominent figures such as Vladimir Cvijan, the former General Secretary of the President of Serbia, Oliver Ivanović, the former State Secretary of the Ministry for Kosovo, and Nikola Sandulović, the president of the Republican Party in Serbia. This list provides a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, description of killings and persecutions targeting a specific group within defined time and geographic parameters,” he wrote.

Sandulović is a Serbian politician who accepts Kosovo’s independence. He even visited Prekaz where he apologized for Serbian crimes.

His action had consequences for him, as he was beaten by the Serbian authorities.

Vucic had arrogantly declared about him, disparaging his role in Serbian politics.

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