After KFOR’s Reaction, the International Crisis Group Changes Report on Banjska

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The International Crisis Group has modified a part of the text from the draft report “Western Balkans: New Security Challenges on NATO’s Doorstep.”

Initially, this draft stated that KFOR officials had negotiated the withdrawal of some members of the armed Serbian attackers in Banjska.

However, the text was changed on May 28. It now states that it was “mistakenly” mentioned that KFOR had negotiated the withdrawal of the armed Serbian group from Banjska.

“The text was updated on May 28, 2024. The original version of this report mistakenly mentioned that KFOR personnel had negotiated the withdrawal of the armed Serbian group from the siege in Banjska,” the text reads.

KFOR itself immediately reacted following the publication of the draft report. In a statement, it called the report inaccurate, declaring that “at no time was it involved in the alleged negotiations.”

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