Around 200 Serbs swam this morning in Lake Ujmani, the most important reservoir for Kosovo’s economy, located in the northern part of the country, bordering Serbia.
The Serbian media outlet, Kossev, reported that this year saw a record number of participants joining the Orthodox rite of cross-catching, with as many as 210 people believed to have immersed themselves in Lake Ujmani today.
Epiphany, as this ritual is called, is the holiday when Orthodox Christians believe that Saint John baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, and the cross, which participants swim to, symbolizes this event. The cross is placed 33 meters from the shore, symbolizing the age of Jesus Christ when he was crucified.
However, even though the Serbian community in Kosovo enjoys the same freedoms and rights as any other community, living without issues and utilizing the spaces within the Republic of Kosovo, they continue to engage in provocative actions. One such example is their chanting of “Kosovo is the heart of Serbia,” despite the reality being quite different. The Serbian community in Kosovo is fully aware that the Republic of Kosovo is an independent state, in which they reside. However, the influence of Belgrade in the northern structures is so significant that it effectively brainwashes this community.
As long as this community refuses to accept the reality, they will never be free from the influence of Belgrade.