Bërnabic informs the Serbs that Kurti is not interested in engaging in dialogue

RKS NEWS 1 Min Read
1 Min Read

    Ana Bärnabić, the Speaker of the Assembly of Serbia, claimed that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, is reluctant to engage in dialogue and is apprehensive about meeting with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, due to his weak arguments.

    She also expressed her belief that Kurti should not face Vučić, as the latter is confident in presenting his arguments, unafraid to speak the truth, and unashamed to seek answers, as reported by TV Pink.

    It is evident once more that Kurti is not interested in dialogue or conversation, as well as showing no intention to implement the Brussels agreement or establish the Association of Serbian Municipalities. The speaker believes that Kurti should not engage in discussions with President Aleksandar Vučić, as he is unafraid to speak the truth and demand answers regarding the implementation of the Brussels agreement.

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