Biden and Blinken affirm the partnership of the USA with Kosovo: Enduring Friendship

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Just a few days ago, Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien expressed deep concern over the decision of the Kosovo government not to allow the use of the dinar.

In an interview with the Chief of Albanian Service of Voice of America, Arben Xhixho, O’Brien stated that with this stance, the government of Kosovo has called into question its partnership with the United States.

“I don’t make vague threats in public. I would say that if we are not treated as partners, then we will not treat the government of Kosovo as partners either.”

Political and legal experts have commented on this statement by the American official.

Burjan: Our partnership with the USA does not depend on individuals like Kurti or O’Brien

In this regard, legal expert Blerim Burjani emphasizes to ‘Bota sot’ that Kosovo’s partnership with the USA does not depend on either American official O’Brien or Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

“Our partnership with the USA does not depend on individuals like Kurti or O’Brien, and certainly not on lowering the level of partnership for the issue of a currency from Serbia, which has caused four bloody wars in former Yugoslavia,” he assesses.

Burjani emphasizes that the friendship between Kosovo and the USA will be enduring; governments come and go, but the people always remain.

He states that Kosovo has no other priority than to treat the USA as a partner.

“Our friendship will always remain eternal with the American people; we are the USA, and ‘Kosovo is the USA.’ There should be no premature declarations; we know that the policies of the USA and the EU have been reformulated, it’s not like in the 90s or ’99, now it’s 2024. The USA and the EU have recognized the state of Kosovo, and we are eternally grateful. Governments come and go, but the people remain. So, our friendship is eternal. European and American people, I don’t understand when they say if you don’t treat us as partners. Kosovo has nothing else as a priority than to treat the USA as a partner,” Professor Burjani said.

He also mentions that Kosovo’s special relationship with the USA has been emphasized by the historical President, Ibrahim Rugova.

“Kosovo has always had a special relationship with the USA; this has been emphasized by Ibrahim Rugova, the historical leader of Kosovo. This implies that we will have a partnership agreement. So, specific political moments do not determine partnership, but our people are eternally connected,” he emphasized.

Mulliqi: Prime Minister Albin Kurti is upholding constitutionalism, and no pressure is being exerted against the Serbian minority

Political analyst Skender Mulliqi has also spoken on this issue.

He emphasizes that Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien’s statement regarding the decision of the Kosovo government to prohibit the circulation of the dinar is hasty and outside the context of positive political speech, knowing that the dinar is the currency of Serbia and not Kosovo.

“And, the statement that the Government of Kosovo has called into question its partnership with the USA due to this decision, which is in accordance with Kosovo’s laws and Constitution, seems somewhat naive. O’Brien knows well that a not insignificant compromise has been the acceptance of the Martti Ahtisaari Plan by Kosovo. And, any further compromise towards Serbia undermines Kosovo’s statehood. Prime Minister Albin Kurti is upholding constitutionalism, and no pressure is being exerted against the Serbian minority as Vučić falsely claims. Serbia has been an occupier and is the state that has committed genocide against Albanians, this is well known, O’Brien, and this significant fact should not be overlooked,” Mulliqi evaluates.

He emphasizes that Kosovo has no debt to Serbia’s chauvinist, Vučić, on the contrary, Serbia owes a major historical debt to Albanians for their territories, as well as for the mass killing of many Albanians on their lands.

“Serbia is constantly destabilizing the northern part of the country with various terrorist acts aimed at dividing Kosovo. The prohibition of the dinar does not call into question America’s partnership with the Government of Kosovo, according to the American diplomat, when it is known that America is the main sponsor of the independence project. This state has accepted the drafting of Kosovo’s Constitution, upon which the functioning of states in the world, including Kosovo, is based. Each state strongly preserves its sovereignty and territorial integrity. I think this statement by O’Brien should be seen more as an isolated declaration than an official stance of America. Why? Because even during this declaration, the Assistant Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, differentiated himself while in Tirana, who besides calling for the continuation of the dialogue, did not mediate the issue of banning the dinar for Serbs in Kosovo. In this context, there was also the statement of the first lady of America, Joe Biden, who on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of Kosovo’s independence, while congratulating this significant date to Madam President, Vjosa Osmani, urged Kosovo and Serbia to fulfill the obligations from the signed agreements and continue the dialogue process. Thus, neither the American president nor Blinken said anything that would disrupt the partnership between the two friendly countries,” he says.

Mulliqi assesses that many political analysts in Kosovo and Albania, whether willingly or unwillingly, are sowing discord, even when the state and national interests of Albanians in the region are at stake.

“These have truly become subjects for study. I want to say something else when we are on this topic. Kosovo is America’s greatest friend, and this anti-Serb and anti-Russian policy in the region, with the actions of Albin Kurti, is becoming a counterpoint to Vučić’s criminal and war-mongering clique and Putin’s. Any concession to Serbia would be capitulating for Albanians and for Kosovo and its future as a state. Serbia is the one that should be severely punished with economic and political measures, not Kosovo, which is bearing these burdens on its shoulders unjustly,” analyst Mulliqi evaluates.

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