Cyber ​​attack against Kosovo and the strong alarm of Gërvalla/ The backstage of Serbo-Russian plans revealed!

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1 Min Read

The unresolved situation between Kosovo and Serbia remains.

Threatening statements, mobilization of terrorist groups, and Serbs undergoing training have managed to bring dialogue to this point, without a solution.

But what is aiding Serbia lately is also Russia.

Recently, Kosovo’s Foreign Minister, Donika Gërvalla-Schwarz, said on Tuesday that Russia is conducting a cyber attack against Kosovo “following our announcement to support Ukraine with military equipment”.

In a statement on the social network X, Gërvalla said that Ukraine “is rightfully defending itself against Russian aggression and genocide,” and that “we know from Serbia’s genocide against Kosovo that only military means stop genocide.”

She did not provide details about the cyber attack against Kosovo.

It is worth remembering that Russia is one of the main supporters of Serbia in opposing Kosovo’s independence, which Kosovo declared in 2008.

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