“Everything Was Accidental, Fire Damage Estimated at Around 200,000 Euros”

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High temperatures dominating the country have led to outbreaks of fires in many areas. Among these fires, local businesses and various establishments have been affected, with risks to public safety..

The latest incident occurred late last night when a well-known business, ‘Karting Arena,’ in Sllatina, Fushë-Kosovë, not far from the Pristina Airport, was engulfed in flames.

From the circulated images, it is clear that the entire facility was destroyed, and some citizens sustained injuries.

The owner of the facility, Nexhmedin Geci, provided more details.

He explained that the fire was accidental and that in attempting to save anything from the business, he personally suffered injuries to one hand, and another individual was also hurt.

“Everything was accidental regarding the fire; personally, I was injured in one hand, and another person was also affected. The damage caused by the fire to our business is estimated at around 200,000 euros,” Geci briefly stated..

The Kosovo Police have also commented on the incident.

Kosovo Police spokesperson for the Pristina region, Flora Ahmeti, reported that one person was injured as a result of the fire.

Additionally, 20 vehicles parked near the business were damaged by the fire.

The injured person has been taken for medical treatment, and police investigators are conducting investigations into the case.

“At around 01:30 today, we received information about a fire incident near Pristina Airport. The fire affected 20 parked vehicles and a business establishment. One person was injured and material damage was caused. The injured person has been taken for medical treatment. After the fire was contained, police investigators, in coordination with relevant institutions, are conducting investigations into the case, which is classified as a general hazard,” Ahmeti announced.

This case is not unique, as high temperatures have also led to the burning of a workshop with school materials in Miradi, Fushë-Kosovë.

Authorities responsible for fire management have repeatedly urged caution and to avoid intentional fires, as the consequences of their spread can be unpredictable, especially given the high temperatures this week.

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