Excluzive: Audio between BIA officer and Bedri Shabani

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1 Min Read

The Geopost has provided an audio recording in which Srdjan Rosic and Bedri Shabani can be heard speaking.
Although the audio is censored in places, it is clear that Bedri Shabani, who is suspected of collaborating with serbian intelligence, is asking the BIA to help him and his people to complete a job. “What do you think?
Would you ask your people if they should postpone it or if they should sleep?” Shabani told the BIA official. Meanwhile, Rosic tells him that “they will postpone it, but they are a bit … they are waiting to wake up …”
Continuing, Shabani says that “we should act like this so someone else will indirectly harass him and then we put gasoline on him and he catches more fire.”
For more, watch the video!

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