The Government of Kosovo announced that it held an electronic meeting yesterday.
During this meeting, three decisions were made.
Among other things, the Government decided to allocate financial resources to fulfill its obligation to Behgjet Pacolli’s company, “Mabco Constructions,” regarding the case known as the “Grand Hotel.”
The amount allocated by the Government is 6,740,000.00 Euros.
“The Treasury is authorized to execute the transfer of budgetary funds as per this decision to the account of Mabco Constructions SA, in the amount of 5,679,504.05 Euros, 33,073.50 CHF, and 1,104,312.20 USD, according to the official exchange rate,” the decision reads.
Earlier this year, Pacolli stated that his company, “Mabco Construction,” won the arbitration case known as the “Grand Hotel” case.