Haradinaj Meets Ambassador Boven: ” The Netherlands Continues to Be a Strong Voice for Kosovo in the International Arena and its Journey Towards NATO”

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The candidate for Prime Minister of the AAK, Nisma, Conservative List, and E-30 Intellectual Forum coalition, Ramush Haradinaj, met with the Dutch Ambassador to Kosovo, Karin Boven.

Haradinaj stated that during their meeting, they discussed political developments in the country, as well as the challenges Kosovo is currently facing.

“Kosovo today enjoys the unwavering support of our international friends in its journey towards NATO. I met today with Dutch Ambassador Karin Boven. We discussed together the political developments in the country, as well as the challenges Kosovo is facing,” Haradinaj said.

Haradinaj added that the support of the Netherlands in Kosovo’s NATO integration process is crucial for the security and prosperity of the country.

“The Netherlands continues to be a strong voice for Kosovo in the international arena. Their support in the NATO integration process is vital for the security and prosperity of our country. Cooperation with our strategic partners is creating concrete opportunities for a better future. Direct membership in NATO will bring new investments, quality jobs, and a higher standard of living for every citizen of Kosovo,” Haradinaj emphasized.

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