Jashari Meets Abernethy, Discusses Cooperation Between KSF and EUCOM

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The Commander of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF), Bashkim Jashari, met with the commanding major sergeant of the U.S. European Command (EUCOM), Robert V. Abernethy, where they discussed cooperation with a special focus on the development and advancement of the NCO corps, reports Gazeta Sinjali.

On the other hand, Abernethy highly appreciated the leadership of General Jashari in supporting the development of military careers for all KSF personnel, particularly the support given to the KSF NCO corps.

“General Jashari emphasized the importance of the experience and expertise of American partners in building a strong and professional NCO structure within the KSF,” the statement further reads.

“Highlighting the importance and commitment to the development of NCOs as the backbone of the KSF, at the end, the KSF Commander thanked RRMK Abernethy for the continuous support, and on this occasion, decorated him with the ‘Self-Sacrifice Service’ medal.”

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