Kearns Criticizes EU Threats to Kosovo Over Ibar Bridge Reopening

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In a recent statement, Alicia Kearns expressed her deep concern over the European Union’s threats to impose further negative measures on Kosovo if the Ibar Bridge is reopened. This bridge, an essential infrastructure project, was initially agreed upon in 2015 with a planned implementation date of 2017. Kearns questions why this agreement is being treated differently compared to other agreements that the EU has compelled Kosovo to honor.

Kearns emphasized that the new UK government and the recently appointed EU officials must clearly support constructive actions in Kosovo, advocating for the construction of bridges rather than creating roadblocks and promoting segregation. She also pointed out that the EU has yet to take substantial action against Serbia despite considerable evidence linking Milan Radoicic and the Banjska attackers to the Serbian state.

The current EU stance, which threatens Kosovo over the reopening of a bridge while overlooking the ongoing issues in Banjska, suggests a significant imbalance in the enforcement of agreements. Kearns argues that this approach reveals a deeply flawed process that requires urgent reform to ensure fairness and consistency in dealing with both Kosovo and Serbia.

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