KEK Stops Unit B1 for Two Days: A Technical Inspection to Ensure Continuity of Power Supply

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The Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) has announced that Unit B1 was “stopped” after midnight “according to a prior plan.”

KEK stated in a media notice that during the next two days, a “technical inspection of the equipment and elimination of defects” will be carried out.

“Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) informs the public that tonight, in the first minutes after midnight, Unit B1 was stopped as part of a previously planned schedule. During this brief two-day stoppage, a technical inspection of the equipment will take place, and defects will be eliminated. This process is expected to be completed tomorrow during the day, and the unit will return to production in the evening, around 20:00,” the announcement said.

KEK further stated that this stoppage is “necessary to ensure that the unit is in optimal production conditions and to guarantee the continuity and security of the electricity supply.”

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