Kosovo Sends Comments to Brussels on the Implementation of Agreements!

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Kosovo has sent its comments to Brussels regarding the implementation of the Brussels and Ohrid Agreements. The Kosovo Government has announced that it has also received confirmation from Brussels regarding the receipt of these comments and the implementation plan for the agreements.

What Kosovo is waiting for now is for the Serbian side to be constructive and not reject the Agreement. Political analysts believe that the dialogue process could be unblocked if the comments are taken into account.

The Kosovo Government has submitted its comments to the European Union within the deadline, concerning the sequencing plan for the implementation of the agreement with Serbia. In a written response, the Kosovo Government outlined some of the issues addressed in the seven-page document.

“Some of the issues addressed by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo through the submitted comments concern the full implementation of the Basic Agreement, in all its provisions, and naturally, the acceptance of the agreement by both parties, considering Serbia’s frequent and public rejections of the Basic Agreement. Additionally, there is a call for adherence to, rather than deviation from, the principles of the agreement, such as the example of parallel progress in implementation, where one party takes one step and the other party takes another,” stated the Kosovo Government.

According to the Government, the comments also provided arguments that Kosovo has been constructive in this process, while Serbia has continuously violated the agreement’s provisions.

“The document also includes comments and arguments that Kosovo has fulfilled part of its obligations, while Serbia’s response to this constructiveness has been ongoing violations of the spirit and provisions of the agreement,” the statement added.

Political analysts believe that the dialogue process could be unblocked if the comments are taken into account.

“If there is a determination from the international factor, based on the comments sent by the parties, and if Kosovo’s comments that the agreement must be implemented in a parallel manner are taken seriously, and if Serbia is asked not to obstruct Kosovo’s path to membership in international organizations and new recognitions, then there is hope that the agreement will be implemented. If a policy of tolerance towards Serbia continues while pressure is applied for the establishment of the Association, we will remain where we are, in a stalemate in the dialogue process,” said analyst Fidan Ukaj to RTK.

In the last meeting in Brussels, there was no progress in the implementation of the Agreement.

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