Kurti: Serbia Has Constantly Violated the Normalization Agreement, Serbia is the Voice of Russia

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The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, in an interview with Polish television, emphasized that Belgrade’s ties with Moscow are one of the main reasons for the strained relations between Kosovo and Serbia and are obstructing Kosovo’s efforts to join the European Union.

Kurti pointed out that Kosovo has been recognized by 117 countries; however, five EU member states—Spain, Greece, Romania, Slovakia, and Cyprus—have still not officially recognized Kosovo’s independence.

With four of these countries (besides Cyprus) also being NATO members, Kosovo’s membership in both organizations is being hindered, Kurti said on TVP World.

He added that he believes Kosovo, like Poland, will join NATO before the European Union, aiming for Kosovo to become a member of both organizations “not only to benefit but also to contribute.”

Kurti stressed that those EU member states that do not officially recognize Kosovo use unresolved issues with Serbia as justification.

In this context, he mentioned that there was an agreement with Serbia last year aimed at normalizing relations.

“The problem is that Serbia has constantly violated this agreement, and we are far from its implementation,” he added.

He noted that Belgrade’s connections with Moscow highlight “the ongoing tension between Kosovo and Serbia,” accusing Serbia of aggressive behavior towards Kosovo “to please the Russian Federation.”

Kurti also stated that Serbia is the voice of Russia, while Kosovo is a success of NATO.

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