Marko Djuric Threatens: Anyone Who Tries to Push Something for Kosovo Will Face Serbia!

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Serbian Foreign Minister, Marko Gjuriq, stated that after the voting of the Resolution on the genocide committed by Serbs in Srebrenica at the United Nations, “anyone who tries to push something related to Kosovo now knows that they will face strong resistance from Serbia.”

At the same time, he claims that the vote at the UN was a “great success for Serbia,” which managed to prevent Kosovo from becoming a member of the Council of Europe.

In an attempt to curry favor with the supreme Serbian leader, Gjuriq referred to him as an “additional value for Serbia” and that “he cannot be defeated.”

“We have somehow made it clear that anyone who tries to push something else, perhaps related to Kosovo, should know that they will face strong resistance from President Vučić and Serbia. The fact that our president spent two whole weeks on two occasions last month in New York has sent a ‘strong message’ to the international community that Serbia is ready to fight. You cannot defeat a president who speaks at all times, day and night, with contacts around the world, which is an advantage for us,” Gjuriq claimed.

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