Message from the U.S. Ambassador to NATO: The focus is on bringing more stability to the region.

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The U.S. Ambassador to NATO, Julienne Smith, stated today that the United States wants to see progress in the dialogue process in order to engage in Kosovo’s potential membership in the Partnership for Peace.

Smith emphasized that results in the dialogue are necessary.

“Our friends in Kosovo have also heard us when we have clearly and loudly stated that we want them to continue investing in the EU-facilitated dialogue. This is something that both NATO allies and EU member states strongly support.

They have our full commitment to remain engaged in the region, and we will do whatever we can to help bring greater stability to the region.

And little by little, as we work towards the goals outlined in that dialogue, we can consider the issue of the Partnership for Peace. But for now, the focus is on bringing more stability to the region and seeing progress in the EU-led dialogue,” Smith said in a press conference with journalists.

The Partnership for Peace is a NATO program aimed at fostering trust and cooperation between the alliance and non-member countries. Membership in this program serves as a stepping stone toward full membership in the North Atlantic Alliance.

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