Ministry of Defense: We are committed to increasing the number of women in the army to 1,000

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3 Min Read

The Ministry of Defense has congratulated all members of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF), officials of the Ministry of Defense, and mothers and women in general on March 8th, International Women’s Day.

Through a Facebook post, the Ministry stated that during the next four years, they are committed to increasing the number of women in the military to 1,000.

“The Ministry of Defense is committed to increasing the number of female members in the army to 1,000 during the next four years, and beyond participation percentages, to ensure professional development for every member of the KSF, whether male or female,” the Ministry’s statement reads.

Full post:

The Ministry of Defense congratulates all members of the Kosovo Security Force, officials of the Ministry of Defense, mothers, and women in general on March 8th, International Women’s Day.

On this day, alongside the unparalleled role of mothers in each person’s life, we remember the ongoing efforts of society for gender equality and the historical successes that women have achieved.

This month is linked to the fight for freedom, the demonstrations of 1981, and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) epic. In each phase of our people’s journey toward independence, the women of this country have made invaluable contributions. Therefore, today and forever, we must acknowledge the contribution of the women who are no longer with us, and continue to fight together with women for more rights.

The battle for social equality also means gender equality; it is one of the most difficult battles, and in this, we must all contribute together—women and men—so that we can achieve social harmony.

The Ministry of Defense is committed to increasing the number of female members in the army to 1,000 during the next four years, and beyond participation percentages, to ensure professional development for every member of the KSF, whether male or female.

The implementation of democratic policies based on meritocracy and civilian oversight aims to support the academic and professional advancement of women in the military, ensuring that they are never discriminated against.

Only by working together can we achieve our goals for a safe state, a state of law, and equality.

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