Munsch: The Incident in Banjskë is a Matter for Law Enforcement, We Are Aware of Their Findings

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Munsch: The Incident in Banjskë Is a Matter for Law Enforcement, We Are Aware of Their FindingsAdmiral Stuart B. Munsch, the commander of U.S. naval forces in Europe and Africa and NATO commander at the Naples base, discussed the security situation in Kosovo, including the recent terrorist attack in Banjskë.

When asked if he had a clearer picture of what happened that day and about the increased Serbian forces along the Kosovo border, as well as whether he was concerned about such incidents following Banjskë, he stated:

“The incident in Banjskë is a matter for law enforcement, and the investigations are being conducted by the authorities. We are aware of their findings, as they have determined. Meanwhile, regarding the buildup of forces at the border, we continue to maintain close communication with both sides of the border and with the authorities of the armed forces. There is transparency, and there is clear communication of intentions. As for the gathering of military forces at this point, it does not constitute a concern,” he said.

Further, when asked if he expects tensions this year or in the near future in Kosovo and the region, he declared:

“We are always ready to face any challenges that may arise. Sometimes we deploy additional forces to be prepared for any circumstances that may lead to violence. An example of this is the ‘Allied Response Force’ that NATO created last summer, which was first deployed in the region to maintain stability,” he expressed to Voice of America.

He also mentioned that if necessary, they have the option to increase troops and military resources for KFOR, but such decisions are made “based on circumstances.”

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