Osmani: Kosovo is not saying that the Association is not implemented, but it reduces the rights of citizens, empowers its leaders

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Vjosa Osmani, president of Kosovo, has said that Kosovo is not rejecting in any case the implementation of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority.

But, as Osmani says during an interview for “Voice of America”, that the Association is part of a process – and that process is the basic agreement.

Furthermore, Kosovo has said that Kosovo has advanced rights for non-ethnic communities, emphasizing the Serbian one.

According to her, the Serbian citizens of Kosovo do not benefit from the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority.

Someone else benefits, according to Osmani, they would be the heads of the Association who would be controlled.

This control, as Osmani declares, comes from the president of Serbia, Aleksandër Vučić – who has one goal, “to make Kosovo dysfunctional”.

“Of course it is up to Kosovo to take steps for the Association, and it is up to Serbia to take steps towards defacto recognition. Both are in the same agreement. We cannot ignore articles 1 to 6 and return to article 7 and demand only the implementation of one article, Kosovo is not saying that the Association will not be formed”.

In relation to our citizens, we should not create the impression that the Association helps Serbian citizens. In fact, the most advanced system of minority rights exists in the Republic of Kosovo with the current constitution, the laws of the Ahtisaari Package and the laws we have adopted as a result of the dialogue agreements. With the Association, I assure you of one thing only that the rights of the citizens are reduced and a kind of power is strengthened over them, that is, the leaders of the Association whom Vuçiqi currently has the goal of controlling and making Kosovo a non-functional state”.

“The association does not give more rights to Serbian citizens, but on the contrary, it takes more rights from below and sends them to the top, which is also contrary to the basic principles of the Council of Europe, according to which in order to empower minority communities, there must be more sovereignty from top to bottom, and not the opposite, the Association achieves the opposite”, said Osmani.

“We have given the promise and Kosovo is a serious state, when it undertakes an international obligation it must implement it, but the implementation of the Association is part of a process and that process is the basic agreement”, she declared.

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