“PZAP Orders CEC to Validate Ballots Initially Declared Invalid in Favor of Vetëvendosje”

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The Electoral Panel for Appeals and Complaints (PZAP) has made three decisions in favor of the Self-Determination Movement (Vetëvendosje), ordering the Central Election Commission (CEC) to declare valid ballots that were initially deemed invalid by the commissioners.

This decision followed appeals made by Vetëvendosje, which PZAP considered to be well-founded.

In one case in Gjakova, a ballot that had been declared invalid during the vote counting at the Municipal Counting Center was re-examined, and PZAP instructed the CEC to declare it valid. PZAP argued that the tick mark was placed in the space for the political subject Vetëvendosje, with a slight deviation outside the square, but without violating electoral rules.

A similar situation occurred in the “1 Tetori” hall in Prishtina, where after an appeal by Vetëvendosje, PZAP ordered that this ballot also be declared valid.

Additionally, a third case occurred in Peja, where a ballot had been declared invalid due to the tick mark being outside the square. After reviewing the appeal, PZAP ordered that this vote be included in the election result.

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