Radoniqi: We officially do not know what happened regarding reports on votes in Croatia

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The Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Kreshnik Radoniqi, stated that the institution he leads still officially does not know what happened following media reports about the postal votes from the diaspora in Croatia.

A day earlier, the Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Pristina announced that it had launched an investigation after reports suggested that the Kosovo Ambassador to Croatia, Martin Berishaj, is suspected of being involved in the illegal transportation of postal votes from the diaspora for the parliamentary elections on February 9.

“Officially, we still do not know anything. We have heard it from the media, there are also rumors from the CEC, but officially we still do not know what happened. These will remain to be verified in the later stages,” Radoniqi said when asked by journalists after the CEC meeting on February 7.

Radoniqi mentioned that the CEC appointed staff from Kosovo’s embassies to collect the votes from the post offices.

“But how the procedure went there exactly, I do not know,” he said, referring to the situation reported in Croatia.

Postal voting for Kosovo citizens living abroad began on January 9 for the parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for February 9.

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