At the Kulla border crossing, which connects Kosovo and Montenegro, there are reports of kilometer-long traffic jams for entry into Kosovo.
A source told Sinjali that they have been waiting in line for three hours, reaching up to 1 kilometer from the border with Montenegro.
According to them, the problem does not lie with the Montenegrin Police, but with the Kosovar Police, alluding to the small number of officers conducting checks at the entry and exit points.
They added that the distance from the Montenegrin border to the Kosovar border, in the “buffer zone,” is about four kilometers. With this pace, they estimate that travelers will be “blocked” for hours before entering Kosovo.
Meanwhile, according to the National Border Management Center’s update, there are no reports of long queues, with the longest queues being at “Dheu i Bardhë,” where the update indicates they are up to 500 meters long.