Russia and Ukraine simultaneously launched separate offensives in Kursk on Sunday. It is possible that one side was aware of the other’s preparations and attempted to thwart the attack with a swift counteroffensive. However, it remains unclear whether the first move was made by Russia or Ukraine.
Both sides seem to have achieved little, if any, results. Both endured significant losses, according to Forbes Croatia.
It is well known that offensive actions are more difficult than defensive ones in war. This is especially true today, where ubiquitous drones create what some analysts call a “transparent” battlefield. No one can move without being detected, with explosive drones lurking everywhere.
Russian Forces Suffer Heavy Losses
Last week, Russian forces from the 34th or 155th brigades launched an attack in six waves, with a total of 50 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. In broad daylight, they advanced across snow-covered fields and immediately became targets for drones, missiles, and artillery from the 47th Mechanized Brigade and its units. “All units of the 47th Brigade acted as one mechanism, disturbing the enemy,” stated the brigade.
Ukrainian drones watched from the air as some Russian troops reached a key trench near Ukrainian positions east of Leonidovo, situated in no-man’s land. However, no leading analysts have removed this position from the no-man’s land category, which means it is unclear whether the Russians managed to consolidate their advance.
On the broader front around the settlement, the remaining Russian forces suffered heavy losses at the hands of the 47th Mechanized Brigade, losing nearly an entire platoon—approximately one hundred soldiers.
Ukrainian Forces Struggle Against New Russian Drones
Ukrainian forces, likely from the 80th Air Assault Brigade or a similar unit, fared no better several kilometers further east. On Sunday, they launched an attack aiming to reach the village of Berdin near the northern edge of the occupied Kursk region.
The Russians defended Berdin using explosive drones controlled via long optical cables. Since these drones do not use radio signals, conventional methods of interference were ineffective. The drones destroyed several Ukrainian Striker vehicles and began targeting Ukrainian forces that had reached Berdin.
Four days later, it remains unclear whether any Ukrainians were able to remain in the village. “It appears that the Ukrainians failed to capture Berdin or any other village, and it is unclear whether they managed to expand the territory they control in Kursk,” noted analyst Rob Lee from the American Institute for Foreign Policy Research.
It seems that the simultaneous offensives ended in a bloody disaster for the attackers.