The parliamentary elections in Kosovo were held on February 9.
This sparked the interest of many media outlets, both local and international.
Naturally, among them was Euronews, and its branch in Serbia, Euronews Serbia.
What stood out was the one-sided and scandalous reporting by the latter, even though in its description it claims to provide news from a European perspective:
“It is part of the wider Euronews network, which broadcasts global news in multiple languages, from a European perspective, to more than 400 million homes in 160 countries”.
However, this was not the case at all, because first of all, in all the news related to the elections in Kosovo, Euronews Serbia referred to Kosovo with the term “Kosovo and Metohija,” a term used by Serbian propaganda to deny the statehood of Kosovo.
This term, although not at all European, was found in almost every news report by Euronews Serbia about the elections in Kosovo, fully in the language of Belgrade and not at all neutral.

Euronews Serbia also spread specific news about Serbian politicians urging people to vote for the Serbian List, which is backed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.
However, there was no similar coverage given to other parties from the Serbian minority in Kosovo, which opposed the Serbian List, accusing it of blackmail, crime, and threats, and were calling for coexistence and peace with the Albanian community in Kosovo.

Even though in their description it is stated that “Euronews Serbia is an information channel that is dedicated to objective, impartial and accurate journalism, which the Euronews family and its media promote everywhere they are present,” and that it is a brand associated with Euronews, it is unknown whether their central office was aware of this scandalous, one-sided, not at all neutral reporting, which contributed to the propaganda of one state against another.