Security experts: Serbia aims to keep the north of Kosovo tense.

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The statements made by President Vučić, claiming that his army is ready to act in line with the Kumanovo Military-Technical Agreement, are an attempt to keep the “Greater Serbia” idea alive, say security experts in Kosovo.

“They will attempt every time to annex the northern part of Kosovo to Serbia. They will try various maneuvers, whether they be terrorist activities or other crimes, to keep Kosovo in general, and the north in particular, tense,” said former soldier Kadri Kastrati in an interview with RTK.

However, according to security expert Professor Avni Islami, all of this is part of the propaganda of a former minister under Milošević.

“He is trying to buy time before serious negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia begin. With President Trump taking office in the U.S., everyone expects the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue to end quickly with mutual recognition,” said Islami to RTK.

Recently, Prime Minister Albin Kurti raised concerns that Kosovo’s northern neighbor is considering revenge and creating tensions. Experts agree that such an incident could occur but not on the scale of the Banjska attack last year.

“In the case of last September, they received a heavy blow from the Kosovo state, with several terrorists arrested, some killed, and others being pursued by courts and will be sentenced even in absentia. I believe that the international community will pressure for their extradition to Kosovo. Serbia will try again in the future, not with large groups, but with smaller groups trying to infiltrate Kosovo to carry out some maneuver based on the regional or global situation,” said Kastrati.

Two days ago, Serbia’s Ministry of Defense claimed that a group of heavily armed Kosovo police crossed the border line unauthorized in the village of Čirković in Leposavić. However, the Kosovo Police stated that these claims made by Serbian authorities were false.

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