In a dramatic turn of events, special police forces in South Korea raided the presidential office in Seoul following President Yoon Suk-yeol’s failed attempt to declare a state of emergency last week. Despite facing impeachment votes, President Yoon has remained in office while various authorities investigate him on charges of rebellion and treason.
In a related development, former Defense Minister Kim Jong-hyun, who assumed responsibility for the declaration of martial law, attempted suicide while in custody, according to officials. Kim, arrested on Sunday, is currently being monitored in a holding cell, and there are no immediate health concerns, the ministry stated.
Meanwhile, members of the ruling party united to boycott the impeachment vote, after Yoon agreed to shorten his term and refrain from interfering in both domestic and foreign matters. The opposition Democratic Party, however, criticized this agreement, with their parliamentary leader Park Chan-dae calling it “illegal” and referring to it as a “second rebellion and coup.”
It remains unclear what authority Yoon holds now, if any, and protests continue across the country, with demonstrators calling for his resignation.