The action in the north of Kosovo, about 75 million dinars, 1.6 million euros, dollars and francs are confiscated

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The Kosovo Police has released details regarding the action that took place on Monday in the north of the country.

According to the announcement of the Kosovo Police, it is said that in addition to the closure of six illegal units of the “Postal Savings Bank”, various material evidence was also confiscated.

About 1,600,000 euros, about 74,700,000 dinars, about 19,500 francs, about 13,800 US dollars, 40 Australian dollars. “Relevant documentation and evidence related to the case,” the announcement states.

“Six subsidiaries of the so-called ‘Postal Savings Bank’ in the north of the country have been closed and official signs for their closure have been placed in their facilities, while all further police actions will be carried out in cooperation and coordination with the justice bodies” , the announcement states.

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