The Council of the EU takes a decision to revoke the visas of Serbian community in Kosovo

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The Council of the European Union decided to remove the visa regime for citizens of Kosovo who hold Serbian passports, issued by the Coordinating Directorate of Serbia.

The decision was taken at the level of Foreign Ministers at the last meeting of this semester.

All legislative processes end with it.

Once it enters into force – which is expected to happen on the 20th day after publication in the EU’s Official Journal – the decision will begin to apply in all EU member states.

“Today, the Council of the EU adopted a regulation ensuring that the entire Western Balkans region is subject to the same visa regime, canceling the exemption that previously applied to holders of Serbian passports issued by the Coordination Directorate of Serbia”. says the EU statement.

The procedures for canceling the visa regime for citizens of Kosovo with Serbian passports started in the wake of the liberalization of visas for Kosovo, from January 1 of this year.

With the removal of visas for citizens with Kosovo passports, citizens who only possessed documents issued by the Coordinating Directorate of Serbia in Kosovo, remained the only ones in the region who needed a visa to travel to the free movement zone, Schengen./REL

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