In the framework of raising the capacities of the KSF Military Police, the Military Police has trained and certified the combat support platoon. These capacities have been established in accordance with the objectives of the commander of the KSF, in the establishment of operational capacities for the protection of the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.
In the announcement of the Kosovo Security Force, it is stated that the Platoon is ready to operate in different operational environments and perform a wide range of tasks inside and outside the country.
The announcement also states that the participants from the basic course for the Military Police, which was organized under the supervision of the Doctrine and Training Command, were also certified.
Brigadier General Ilir Qeriqi, on behalf of the Commander of the KSF, congratulated the members and leadership of the Military Police in raising the capacities and achieving the objectives of the PU and the KSF.
The commander of the Military Police, Lt. Col. Besnik Selimi, congratulated the members on the achievement and requested that the motive, work and professionalism be engraved in the DNA of every member of the Military Police.
The ceremony was attended by KDS, Colonel Arben Krasniqi and the head of training in the SHP, Lieutenant Colonel Dede Hiseni.
OR4 Dren Latifi and OR3 Bled Vuniqi were awarded for high academic achievement.