The US Embassy highlights O’Brien’s statement: Kosovo has the right to defend its territory

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The US Embassy in Pristina has distributed a quote from the Assistant Secretary, James O’Brien, where he spoke about US support for the transition of the Kosovo Security Force into a multi-ethnic and interoperable force with NATO. n.

“Kosovo has the right to defend its territory like all other countries”, is O’Brien’s quote that the US embassy has singled out and shared on the official Facebook page.

“1244 has established a political process to discuss the future of Kosovo. This process proceeded and resulted in the independence of Kosovo. So Kosovo, like all other countries, has the right to defend its territory. Kosovo is doing so in a process that is transparent and in close cooperation with international partners as a way to ensure its protection without threatening its neighbors. So I think overall it’s a move towards stability in the region. And that we will continue to support him from the US”, O’Brien is quoted as saying.

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