An arson attempt was made at the sweet shop in the North frequented by Sveçla and Agim Bahtiri

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Today at 03:30 in a bar in North Mitrovica there was an arson attempt.

The news for Express was confirmed by the Deputy Director of Police in the North, Veton Elshani.

He said that minor material damage was caused, while there are no suspects at the moment.

“Around 03.30 there was an arson attempt in North Mitrovica. Minor material damage was caused. At the moment we have no suspects”, said Elshani.

REL reports that it is about the same bar where the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xelal Sveçla, together with the former mayor of South Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri, had gone for lemonade.

The owners of the bar are members of the Goran community.

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