The Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić, vented his anger towards the former Greek Foreign Minister, Dora Bakoyannis, rapporteur in the Committee of Political Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, who in her report recommended to the Committee of Ministers to invite Kosovo to become member of the Council of Europe.
The Serbian President, in an address to the citizens of Serbia, said that the most important topic for his country is the issue of Kosovo and its possible membership in the Council of Europe.Vucic insulted the Greek diplomat, by saying : “Shame on you Dora Bakoyannis, shame on you”.
He said that “Bakoyanni should be ashamed because she gave up her principles and three days before the session of the Committee on Political and Democratic Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe she recommended Kosovo’s membership”. “Some people have their backs in the international arena, and some don’t,” – stated Vucic at the press conference.
As reported by the Serbian media, Vucic stated that the American,European,Italian and French representatives several times, have told him that the formation of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority is an essential obligation of Kosovo. “It has been repeated to my face on several occasions that Serbia has no obligation and that the first obligation is related to the formation of the Association”, said Vucic.
Vucic, who did not mention the departure of Serbia from the Council of Europe, after Kosovo’s membership in this organization (as he warned during the week), said that his country is paying because of the general situation in the world.
He said that “for nine months, the internationalists have been saying that they imposed sanctions on Kosovo last year, but they have participated absolutely in all the forums against which they have imposed sanctions.” I am talking about the Western powers”. “Sanctions were imposed so that someone is isolated and Kosovo does not exist in any forum where it was not invited.
Visa liberalization and advancement of status in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and see the wonder on the day of the NATO bombing, this was not a bombing, it is aggression whether the US likes it or not, I don’t care, it was aggression, and it will to be as long as I am president and as long as I have influence in the party”.
They punished Kosovo by launching an initiative for admission to the Council of Europe”, he said!.