Washington’s declaration, NATO calls for reform and good neighborly relations in the Balkans – pledge for further commitment of KFOR

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The heads of states and governments participating in the NATO Summit held in Washington, have come out with a joint statement, and one of its points also talks about the Western Balkans, as an important part for maintaining regional peace and security. It also mentions the continuous engagement of NATO through KFOR in Kosovo. NATO pledges to monitor and assess developments in the region and increase situational awareness, with a particular focus on security threats. NATO reaffirms the Euro-Atlantic support and aspirations of the countries interested in this region.

NATO emphasizes that the regions of the Western Balkans and the Black Sea are of strategic importance for the Alliance, pledging to continue cooperation in support of reforms

The regions of the Western Balkans and the Black Sea are of strategic importance for the Alliance. We remain strongly committed to their safety and stability. We will continue to enhance our political dialogue and practical cooperation with the Western Balkans to support reforms, regional peace and security, and against malign influence, including disinformation, hybrid and cyber threats, posed by state and non-state actors,” the statement said.

NATO mentions that good neighborly relations are vital for regional cooperation and Euro-Atlantic integration.

“Democratic values, the rule of law, internal reforms and good neighborly relations are vital for regional cooperation and Euro-Atlantic integration, and we expect continued progress in this direction.”

“We remain committed to NATO’s continued engagement in the Western Balkans, including the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR). We reaffirm our continued support to Allied regional efforts aimed at maintaining safety, security, stability and freedom of navigation in the Black Sea region, including, as appropriate, through the Montreux Convention of 1936. We welcome the activation by the three coastal allies of the Black Sea Mine Countermeasures Working Group. We will continue to monitor and assess developments in the region and increase our situational awareness, with a particular focus on threats to our security and potential opportunities for closer cooperation with our partners in the region, as appropriate. NATO supports the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of the countries interested in this region”.

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