The Special prosecutor, Ilir Morina, said that during the trial it will be established that the accused of war crimes, Milos Pleskovic, killed Mirije dacaj’s children.
He said that the accused of war crimes had grown up and played with the children of witness Dacaj.
“In this case, it is best to use the popular saying “Your Bread kills you”. The defendant was raised in the neighborhood of the victims of Mrs.Mirije and other witnesses will understand that the defendant, as a child, played in the neighborhood with the children, played with the children of Mrs.Mirije. You will understand from the circumstantial witnesses that this was part of the children of the neighborhood,” said prosecutor Morina.
In this case Pleskovic is accused that during 1998-1999, in Prizren he committed the criminal offense “war crimes against the civilian population”, reports ” oath for Justice”
Further, in his opening speech, prosecutor Morina said that in addition to the circumstantial witnesses, during this examination there will be people who survived the event.
“Among the main witnesses is witness X.C who can be considered and survived this event, he will tell exactly how on the day of the event they went to the mountain, he will tell who he was with and he will tell the moment when they met with the defendant and 7 other people” added prosecutor Morina.
While, in the opening speech of the defense of the injured party, Mirije Dacaj, lawyer Gent Gjini said that the accused has committed the criminal offense and all the elements of the figure of the offense have been formed.
“We will ask for the Facebook proof of his profile to be released, where it is seen that the same has radical extremist Serbian posts and there it is seen that he is with his comrades, which we consider will strengthen the prosecution’s accusation thesis even more,” said Gjini.
While, in the opening speech of Pleskovic’s defense, lawyer Jovana Filipovic said that during this review he will be able to show a different perspective of his defense.
“I will try to introduce the person Milos Pleskovic from a different angle. I’m just trying to prove the truth in this case. This is what the injured are looking for and what the accused is looking for, so we consider that the goal is the same,” Filipovic said.
According to the indictment of the Special Prosecution filed on June 7, 2024, it is alleged that Milos Pleskovic during 1998-99 in Prizren, in conjunction with other persons, violated the rules of international law against civilian persons by committing the murder of victims.
According to the indictment, Pleskovic, operating as an armed group of 7-8 persons of Serbian nationality on September 1, 1998 in Prizren while on their way to their mountain, the victims Reshat dacaj, Binak Dacaj, Fatmir Bojaxhiu along with the injured Fevzi Cana, Xhenger Cana and Bashkim Kastrati were initially suddenly released by the Serbian armed group, who were then insulted with Serbian words and among that Serbian armed group was seen the accused Pleskovic.
At one point, according to the indictment, it is said that Pleskovic had started shooting with weapons of the type “Kalash Nikov”, where the shots at the scene had been killed Reshat dacaj, Binak Dacaj, Fatmir Bojaxhiu, while the injured Xhenger Cana, Fevzi Cana and Bashkim Kastrati had escaped.
Further, the indictment states that the families of the deceased were allowed to retrieve their bodies after a week of the murder, where it is said that the bodies of Reshat and Binak Dacaj were placed on top of each other, while one of them had his leg cut off, while the victim Fatmir did not have his head in his body.
Therefore, for these actions Pleskovic is being charged with the criminal offense” war crime against the civilian population ” sanctioned by Article 142 related to Article 22 of the Criminal Law of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as a law in force at the time of the commission of the criminal offense.