A few days ago, KESCO announced that to cover the increased demand for electricity, it imports about 1 million euros of electricity every day. KESCO had said that the “massive use of air conditioners throughout Kosovo” is a factor for the increase in demand for electricity, since the temperatures have been high.
This was also said today by the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, who said that the prices in the energy markets have increased.
She adds that currently the demand for electricity has increased due to high temperatures and the entry into regular overhaul of the Kosova B power plant. This, as the minister declares, has increased the need for energy imports, where prices in the energy markets go up to 1000 euro per megawatt hour.
Despite this, Rizvanolli says that it is too early to talk about whether there could be an increase in the price of electricity, but adds that this is the competence of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO).
Rizvanolli tells Kosova Press that currently KEK is producing about 500 megawatts, while the demand for consumption is about 850 megawatts of electricity. It says that the less energy is imported, the less likely it is to be reflected in tariffs.
Another factor “in the aggravation of the situation” KESCO has said is the fact that the B1 unit of KEK is undergoing planned one-year overhaul. KESCO has added that Kosovo, currently, is not producing more than 500 M.
According to KESCO, the price per megawatt is 200 euros in the markets of our region.
The fact that the B1 unit of KEK is undergoing planned annual overhaul is also affecting the aggravation of the situation, causing the local production to be reduced by at least 250 M. So, currently Kosovo is not producing more than 500 ME. Meanwhile, the difference between production and demand is being covered by imports. And import prices have also increased a lot in recent days. In the markets of our region, the prices are being brought above 200 euros per megawatt. This is making the situation very difficult as energy has to be bought from abroad at an increased cost”.